Omron Nebulizer Pharmaceuticals
Compatible with Omron C-28, C-29 and C-30 models. & Nbsp; The most common part of the nebulizer devices is the drug chamber. Model compatibility should be considered when changing the Omron drug chamber. & Nbsp; If the nebulizer device works, but does not produce cold steam (if the liquid drug does not divide the particles into the mask or mouth), a new drug reservoir should be taken and attached to the device. The part of the old reservoir should not be attached to the new medicine chamber. The drug reservoir should be washed with hot water after each use (such as washing a tea glass). With a soft dishwashing sponge and routine used dishwashing detergent, the hopper, the blue piece in it, the lid of the chamber is washed and rinsed with hot water. Rinsing with hot water for 15-20 seconds will prolong the life of the nebulizer drug reservoir. Especially when viewed from the top of the blue part, the hole, which is as small as the needle hole, should be thoroughly rinse with hot water.