Omron BF-511 Body Analysis Basule
OMRON BF-511 Body Analysis Basule General Properties Provides comprehensive evaluation of body analysis. Our BF511 product is the most comprehensive body & nbsp; Analysis is the monitor. It provides comprehensive information about fat, skeletal muscle level, BMI and rest metabolism in the body and internal organs. It is clinically proven and classified as a medical device. Omron BF-511 2 users offers you memory. You can also enter the settings section of age and gender height weight, etc. and evaluate the results for ideal values. Recreation Metabolism — The minimum amount of calorie in the daily needs of your metabolism during resting. Viseral Oil — Measurement of the amount of fat in your internal organs allows you to take control. It is measurement with 8 sensors in hands and feet for full body measurement. The reliability and accuracy of the device has proved with strict test procedures of major health institutions. Body oil is shown as a percentage of body weight by using bioelectric impedance (BI) method. They are muscles connected to the bones that move the body.