Herdegen derby rehabilitation seats
Derby, which is produced in France, has a special design. Derby is an extremely comfortable seat. Herdegen derby rehabilitation seats general features at the same time the classic and modern stylish design, as well as adapt to the bedroom, as well as perfectly fit into the living room. & Nbsp; Derby is a single -engine seat. 24 V is used with low voltage control. There is also a massage system model. Herdegen derby rehabilitation technical characteristics: 100 cm width: 90 cm depth: 55 & gt; 60 cm in the lying position: 166 cm between law enforcement distance: 50 cm height of the seat from the ground: 46 cm backward density: 25 kg/m3 seat density: 21 kg/kg/kg/m3 M3 weight: 55 kg 130 kg carrying capacity. & Nbsp; French production is 2 years of guarantee.