Choicemed MD300CN360 pulse oximeter
It is a device that controls and records the heart rate of patients. With this device, the patients are followed up and diagnosed according to the follow -up. These devices also measure the oxygen level in the blood. It is used extensively in hospitals. Choicemed — MD300CN360 PULSE OXIMMETER General properties should be a monochrome OLED screen. Pulse death range should be 30-235. The SPO2 measurement range should be 70 %to 100 %. SPO2, pulse, pulse bar on the screen should be displayed. It must have a 2 -way screen. 2 AAA should work with batteries. Adult and small adult & nbsp; should be compatible. It should be used for about 30 hours with 2 alkaline batteries. The screen resolution should be 1 %for SPO2 and 1bpm for pulse. Weight should not exceed 34 g, except for batteries.