VARİMED laptop Anti-Embolic Varicose Stock
VARİMED laptop Anti-Embolic Varicose Stocks General Features of the General Features Prophylaxis stockings are designed to provide the highest comfort and benefit to the patient in accordance with the standard. It has a system of measurement system. «> Socks have a control hole that controls blood circulation under the finger. Elastic Band with Ilikon is available. SPAN> VARİMED® Pressure in the Anti Embol Socks is maximum in the ankle and this pressure draws a pressure profile decreasing from the wrist to the thigh. SPAN STYLE = «FONT-SSE: 14PX;»> Protects against deep vein blood clotting in patients. 1. Cellulite, 2. Skin inflammation, 3. Gangrene, 4. Fascit, 5. Recent leather graffiti, 6. Paniculitis, Prevents serious vascular stiffness or other ischemic vascular disease. Or prevents lung edema disease due to congestive heart disease. ; «> It is designed for compression therapy in the prevention of deep vascular thrombosis. : 14px; «> The clot in the blood vessels is called thrombosis. Although thrombosis occurs in both superficial and deep leg vessels, the thrombosis formed in the deep vessels is the main dangerous. The outgoing artery is called the moving thrombosis embolism. Deep vascular thrombosis should not be mixed with the flex of varicose veins. Flebit is painful but relatively harmless. Vascular wall damage, second; Increased tendency of blood to clotting, which leads to this, includes some types of cancer and rarely oral contraceptive use and third; It is the slowdown of blood flow in the vein. -Size: 14px; «> For example, patients who are hospitalized for days after a heart attack and can perform very little leg exercise or in parable patients who have to sit for a long time and do not have functional muscles. Trauma or large surgeries can also increase the tendency to clot. It is seen even in healthy individuals who have long-distance vehicles or flights and remain inactive. In these people, chest disease due to lung embolism may be the first symptom. The holder swells in the wrist, foot and thigh. It is converted and this may damage the valves found in the vessels. As a result of the accumulation of fluid, there may be bloating on the wrist. = «font-you: 14px; As it is in the position, the vessels are easily emptied and edema decreases. You: 14px; «> One of these ways is to wear anti -embolism socks. Anti embolism socks accelerate blood flow by applying continuous pressure to the legs and reduce clotting. Thus, it increases blood fluid in the deep vascular system. & Nbsp;